The one tip that will change your physique overnight!
I have been working out of gyms for almost 30 years now and this is the one tip I wish I could pass on to as many people as possible. It's a very simple muscle contraction that is the most effective for building muscle. This is called the eccentric muscle contraction. An eccentric muscle contraction […]
Top 10 most common questions I get asked about running!
As a running coach based out of Galway, I get alot of questions from potential clients about running, speed development and running technique. Here's some of the most frequently asked questions I get asked: Is running good for me? Yes running is absolutely one of the most all around beneficial forms of exercises you can […]
Should I lose fat or build muscle first?
Jason - Should I lose fat or build muscle first? This is a question that I have heard many times in my 20 years experience in health and fitness. And it's definitely not going to be the last any time soon! A quick Google search for the answer makes it even more confusing even to […]
Improve your 5K time – Guaranteed!
How to improve your 5k time. Guaranteed results! Improving your 5 km time has many variables, better sleep, nutrition, running shoes etc, but a very simple and long term method to improve your 5k is to do shorter, faster runs.  Shorter running at a faster pace will improve your fast twitch fibre power output, this […]
One tip to improve your acceleration time – Instantly!
The first step when entering the acceleration phase of running is essential, within us all is a fear of falling, this fear of falling actually prevents us from moving faster. Try this at home and you will see the results in real-time, stand with two feet together and lean forward from the ankles keeping the […]
What a “leg day” looks like for a speed development client
The first leg session will be initially dictated by an assessment of the athletes mobility and flexibility abilities. If for example there is an ankle mobility issue this may force a change in the planned session. If there are no underlying issues that need immediate attention the initial leg session will look extremely similar to […]